Tag: Building

Posted on 02/24/2025
DIY Screen Divider Guide
There are a plethora of creative ways to divide a room. There are also many room dividers you can DIY to save money while building something completely custom. One simple and convenient way to divide a room is with a folding screen. Here is all of the info you'll need to make your own screen room divider. Materials...
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Posted on 05/30/2022
3 Things Property Owners Need to Know About Building Permits
A great deal of misinformation about obtaining building permits exists that sometimes results in property owners not securing one. An inspector combing through your entire home looking for violations rarely happens in practice. Of course, if the house has been significantly altered over the years without pulling a permit, it’s not unreasonable for a building code enforcement officer...
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Posted on 11/08/2021
To Build or To Buy? Which is Right for You?
When buying a home, you can either build a new residence from scratch or buy an existing home already built. This can be a tough decision to make. Here are a few pros and cons of each to help you move forward with your decision. Buying an Existing Home There are several advantages to buying a home that’s...
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